Villen-Str. 10
44536 Lünen
Managing Directors: Anna Doganay, Nick Foutoni
Phone: +49 176 36 27 12 15 (not for customer service)
VAT ID: DE288248627
Registered in the commercial register at Dortmund District Court
Commercial register number HRB 26867
How to find us
(Link to Google Maps)
Legal Notices for the Website
All texts, images, and other information published here are protected by copyright, unless another copyright belongs to a third party. In any case, copying, distribution, or public presentation is only permitted with revocable and non-transferable approval from the provider.
The provider assumes no responsibility for external web content linked to this website, as these are not the provider's own content. The linked pages were checked for illegal content at the time of linking, but no such content was visible at that time. The operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content. The provider has no general duty to monitor and control. If a rights violation becomes known, the relevant link will be removed immediately.
Online Dispute Resolution under Article 14(1) of the ODR Regulation
Information on online dispute resolution
The EU Commission provides an online platform for the resolution of disputes (so-called "ODR platform"). The ODR platform acts as a contact point for resolving disputes out of court regarding contractual obligations arising from online purchases. The ODR platform can be accessed via the following link: We are not obligated to participate in dispute resolution via a consumer arbitration board and are not willing to do so.